New Year, New Habits
It’s the New Year and resolutions are the norm. Whether it’s eating healthier or developing an exercise routine, many have set personal goals for 2015.
To help stick with those resolutions, below are some basics about food portion sizes and how you can make time for fitness with a few simple lifestyle changes.
For a general idea of the amount of food you should be consuming, use the following recommendations:
- A serving of meat is about two or three ounces – about the size of a deck of cards, or the palm of your hand.
- One serving of grains is equal to one slice of bread, one ounce of cereal, or ½ cup of pasta or rice.
- A serving of fruit or vegetables is equal to one piece of fresh fruit or vegetable, ½ cup chopped,
or ¾ cup of fruit or vegetable juice. In general, it’s not as necessary to be vigilant about vegetable and fruit intake, as any amount is healthy – just make sure you’re getting enough while being aware of the sugar content in fruit.
- The key to any meal is to have 75 percent of your plate covered with vegetables and 25 percent covered with meat or pasta.
Looking to fit in a little exercise during the work day? Here are some tips:
- Park your car farther away to get in a few extra steps as you walk to your destination.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
- Squeeze a stress ball while at work to relieve tension, burn calories, increase flexibility and improve blood flow.
- Exercise during your lunch hour, even if it’s just a walk around the block or up and down a flight of stairs.
- Participate in a charity run, walk or bike event.
Don’t forget to take advantage of any wellness programs that your employer may offer too. They’re a great workplace benefit that provides additional resources.