Welcome to the New Caravus.com!
We’re incredibly excited to share our new digital presence that gets to the heart of what we do: simplifying health coverage for employers and their employees, as well as individual and seniors.
Our team goes all-out to unravel the complexities of today’s costly health care world. Each year, Americans spend nearly $3.5 trillion on health-related expenses. This amount alone is enough to make your head spin but when you throw an ever-changing industry into the mix, it can lead to a lot of confusion. We’re here to change that uncertain feeling into something positive for employers and individuals alike.
When we began revamping our digital presence through this site, we focused on showcasing our unwavering company mantra through its design. Our clients were constantly on our minds as we asked, “How can we help them focus on what matters to them?” Because of our clients, we constantly innovate, adapt, and stay on top of trends and ideas in the market – and we love the challenge. We’re thankful for everyone who has placed their trust in us to give them ongoing, unbiased, and evidence-based analysis.
We want to give a quick shout-out to TOKY Branding and Design, our digital brand partner who made this new site possible. Their patience and collaboration were never-ending as we worked side-by-side over the past few months.
While what we believe is simple, it can be applied to so many things. At the end of the day, we know life is meant to be lived to the fullest and health is a key ingredient in a life well lived. With this in mind, we hope you get to know Caravus a little better and learn even more about what we hold true.